CIM22NUVA-75 is an early-maturing, high-yielding, drought tolerant, nutritious maize hybrid with orange grain that is biofortified with PVA and is NUE, resistant to GLS, TLB, Ear rots, and MSV, and bred for food use in tropical, rainfed, dry/wet mid-altitude and transition ecologies in southern Africa and similar agroecologies. It is notable for producing multiple ears per plant. |
General Information |
Target region |
Southern Africa |
Adaptation/Agroecological zone |
< 1800 masl |
Type of product |
Three-way cross hybrid |
Year first announced |
2024 |
Grain Characteristics |
Grain Yield |
Grain color |
Orange |
Grain yield under optimum conditions |
8.52 t/ha |
Grain texture |
Semi-flint |
Grain yield under managed drought stress |
1.56 t/ha |
Provitamin A content |
12 µg/g |
Grain yield under low N stress |
1.21 t/ha |
Grain Yield on-farm (severe stress*) |
1.32 t/ha |
Biotic Stress Performance |
* The 2023/24 season in Southern Africa was characterized by the worst drought of the century, declared a national disaster in several countries. Many of the farmers participating in the trial reported write-offs. |
Turcicum leaf blight (TLB) (1-9)* |
3.77 |
Grey leaf spot (GLS) (1-9)* |
2.94 |
Maize Streak Virus (MSV) (1-9)* |
2.01 |
Ear rots |
2.4% |
*Diseases are scored on a 1-9 scale, where 1 = Highly resistant; 5 = Tolerant; 9 = Highly susceptible. |
Agronomic Characteristics |
Maturity group |
Early-maturing |
Days to 50% anthesis |
69 DAP |
Seed Production Characteristics |
908 GDD |
SC female parent yield |
6.35 t/ha |
Anthesis-silking interval |
2.51 days |
Male parent yield |
2.4 t/ha |
Plant height |
221.3 cm |
Nicking |
2.0 days |
Ear height |
112.6 cm |
Ears per plant |
1.24 |
Comments |
Bad husk cover |
8.9% |
Product information is based on data from the CIMMYT Southern Africa 2022 Stage 4 and 2024 Stage 5 Trials. Actual performance will vary depending on a number of agronomic and environmental factors.
DAP = Days after planting
GDD = Growing degree-days ˚ C
GLS = Grey Leaf Spot
Low N = managed low nitrogen stress
masl = meters above sea level
MSV = Maize Streak Virus
NUE = nitrogen-use efficient
opt. = optimum (44,444 plants per ha)
PVA = Provitamin A
SC = single-cross
TLB = Turcicum Leaf Blight (E. turcicum) |
Ear aspect (1-5)* |
2.48 |
Root lodging |
5.3% |
*Ear aspect is scored on 1-5 scale, where 1 = desirable and 5 = undesirable characteristics |
Further Links |
1. Full Product Announcement
(including trial results summary and site information) |
2. Biofortified orange maize is as efficacious as a vitamin A supplement |
3. Provitamin A maize within the maize seed systems and grain value chain in Tanzania |
4. Zinc and provitamin A biofortified maize genotypes exhibited potent to reduce hidden hunger in Nepal |