CIMMYT's eastern Africa product profile 2 (EA-PP2) focuses on developing high-yielding, late-maturing maize varieties with white grain, drought tolerance, NUE, and resistance to GLS, TLB, MSV, ear rots, and common rust, that are suitable for food use in tropical, rainfed, wet upper mid-altitude areas in eastern Africa and similar agroecologies. |
General Information |
Adaptation/Agroecological zone |
1300 - 2000 masl |
Type of product |
Three-way cross hybrid |
Year first announced |
2018 |
Grain Characteristics |
Grain color |
White |
Grain texture |
Semi-flint |
Grain Yield |
Grain yield under optimum conditions |
6.5 t/ha |
Biotic Stress Performance |
Grain yield under HD |
4.2 t/ha |
Turcicum leaf blight (TLB) (1-9) |
2.4 |
Grain yield under drought stress |
0.2 t/ha |
Grey leaf spot (GLS) (1-9) |
2.0 |
Grain yield under low N stress |
2.0 t/ha |
Common rust (1-9) |
2.8 |
Maize Lethal Necrosis (MLN) under art. inoc. (1-9) |
6.0 |
Agronomic Characteristics |
Grain weight loss (MW) |
4.7% |
Maturity |
159 DAP |
Grain weight loss (LGB) |
18.0% |
Plant height |
236 cm |
Ear Rots |
8.4% |
Ear height |
118 cm |
Diseases were originally scored on a 1-5 scale but have been converted here to a 1-9 scale, where 1 = Highly resistant; 5 = Tolerant; 9 = Highly susceptible. |
Bad husk cover |
5.5% |
Root lodging |
4.7% |
Stalk lodging |
12.3% |
Seed Production Characteristics |
Anthesis-silking interval |
1.1 Days |
Nicking |
0.0 Days |
Ear aspect (1-5) |
2.6 |
Plant aspect (1-5) |
2.7 |
Comments |
Plant and ear aspects are scored on 1-5 scale, where 1 = desirable and 5 = undesirable characteristics |
Product information is based on data from various trials conducted by CIMMYT in eastern Africa in 2017.
art. inoc. = artificial inoculation
DAP = days after planting
GLS = Grey Leaf Spot
HD = High Density (80,000 plants per ha)
Low N = managed low nitrogen
masl = meters above sea level
MD = managed drought
MSV = maize streak virus
NUE = Nitrogen Use Efficient
Opt = Optimum Management
TLB = Turcicum Leaf Blight |
Further Links |
Full Announcement |
Trial Data Summary |
Regional Trial Site Information |