CZH142060 is an early-maturing, white-grain hybrid that has good yield potential under optimum conditions as well as under low P, low N, and acidic soil stress. It also has good disease resistance for diseases, namely GLS, TLB and rust. |
General Information |
Adaptation/Agroecological zone |
600-1500 masl |
Region |
Southern Africa |
Type of product |
Three-way Cross |
Year first announced |
2016 |
Grain Characteristics |
Grain Yield |
Grain color |
White |
Grain yield (MEA) (HD) |
10.13 t/ha |
Grain texture |
Semi-dent |
Grain yield (MEA) (OPT) |
8.56 t/ha |
Grain yield (MEB) (OPT) |
6.88 t/ha |
Biotic Stress Performance |
Grain yield (MED) (OPT) |
4.12 t/ha |
Turcicum leaf blight (TLB) (1-9) |
2.0 |
Grain yield (MEC) (RS) |
4.12 t/ha |
Rust (1-9) |
2.2 |
Grain yield under low N stress |
3.22 t/ha |
Grey leaf spot (GLS) (1-9) |
3.0 |
Grain yield under Low P conditions |
9.05 t/ha |
Diseases were originally scored on a 1-5 scale but have been converted here to a 1-9 scale, where 1 = Highly resistant; 5 = Tolerant; 9 = Highly susceptible. |
Grain yield under Low pH conditions |
4.05 t/ha |
Agronomic Characteristics |
Seed Production Characteristics |
Maturity |
126.8 DAP |
Male seed yield |
4.68 t/ha |
Anthesis-silking interval |
1.7 Days |
Ear height |
128.0 cm |
Comments |
Plant height |
236.8 cm |
Product information is based on data from the CIMMYT Southern Africa Maize Regional On-Station 2016 Trials.
DAP = Days After Planting
GLS = Grey Leaf Spot
Low N = managed Low Nitrogen
Low P = Low phosphorus
Low pH = Low soil pH (acidity)
masl=Meters above sea level
MEA = Mega-environment A
MEB= Mega-environment B
MEC = Mega-environment C
MED = Mega-environment D
NUE = Nitrogen Use Efficient
TLB = Turcicum Leaf Blight |
Further Links |
Full Announcement |
Regional Trial Data Summary |
Regional Trial Site Information |