CZH15009 is an early-maturing, white-grain maize hybrid with good yield, even under low N stress. It also has good resistance to TLB, GLS, and rust. |
General Information |
Adaptation/Agroecological zone |
600-1500 masl |
Region |
Southern Africa |
Type of product |
Three-way cross hybrid |
Year first announced |
2017 |
Grain Yield |
Grain yield (OPT) |
9.5 t/ha |
Grain Characteristics |
Grain yield (HD) |
9.2 t/ha |
Grain color |
White |
Grain yield (RS) |
5.7 t/ha |
Grain texture |
Semi dent |
Grain yield under low N stress |
4.4 t/ha |
Grain yield under striga conditions |
3.2 t/ha |
Biotic Stress Performance |
Turcicum leaf blight (TLB) (1-9) |
3.7 |
Agronomic Characteristics |
Grey leaf spot (GLS) (1-9) |
2.7 |
Maturity |
106 DAP |
Common rust (1-9) |
2.9 |
Plant height |
222.5 cm |
MLN Score (art. inoc.) (1-9) |
5.4 |
Ear height |
110.2 cm |
Grain weight loss (MW) |
0.4% |
Bad husk cover |
10.1% |
Grain weight loss (LGB) |
16.8% |
Root lodging |
2.3% |
Ear rots |
4.6% |
Stalk lodging |
8.7% |
Diseases were originally scored on a 1-5 scale but have been converted here to a 1-9 scale, where 1 = Highly resistant; 5 = Tolerant; 9 = Highly susceptible. |
Anthesis-silking interval |
2.7 Days |
Ear aspect (1-5) |
2.5 |
Plant aspect (1-5) |
2.3 |
Seed Production Characteristics |
Plant and ear aspects are scored on 1-5 scale, where 1 = desirable and 5 = undesirable characteristics |
Nicking |
0 Days |
Comments |
Further Links |
Product information is based on data from various trials conducted by CIMMYT in eastern Africa in 2016.
art. inoc. = artificial inoculation
DAP = Days after planting
GLS = Grey leaf spot
HD = High density (80,000 plants per ha)
LGB = Large grain borer
Low N = Managed low nitrogen
masl = meters above sea level
MD = Managed Drought
MLN = Maize Lethal Necrosis
MSV = Maize Streak Virus
MW = Maize weevil
NUE = Nitrogen-use efficient
OPT = Optimum management
RS = Random stress
TLB = Turcicum leaf blight |
Full Announcement |
Trial Data Summary |
Regional Trial Site Information |