CZH15014 is an early-maturing, white, high-yielding, drought-tolerant maize hybrid that is NUE and resistant to GLS, TLB and MSV, and bred for food use in tropical, rainfed, dry/wet mid-altitude and lowland ecologies in southern Africa and similar agroecologies. |
General Information |
Target region |
Southern Africa |
Adaptation/Agroecological zone |
< 1800 masl |
Type of product |
Three-way cross hybrid |
Year first announced |
2016 |
Grain Characteristics |
Grain Yield |
Grain color |
White |
Grain yield under opt (ME-A) |
7.67 t/ha |
Grain texture |
Semi-flint |
Grain yield under HD (ME-A) |
10.03 t/ha |
Grain yield under opt (ME-B) |
6.53 t/ha |
Biotic Stress Performance |
Grain yield under random stress (ME-C) |
3.93 t/ha |
Grey leaf spot (GLS) (1-9)* |
2.8 |
Grain yield under opt (ME-D) |
2.72 t/ha |
Common rust (P. sorg) (1-9)* |
1.6 |
Grain yield under low N stress |
3.88 t/ha |
Turcicum leaf blight (TLB) (1-9)* |
2.2 |
Grain yield under low P stress |
8.50 t/ha |
*Diseases are scored on a 1-9 scale, where 1 = Highly resistant; 5 = Tolerant; 9 = Highly susceptible. |
Grain Yield under low pH stress |
3.51 t/ha |
Agronomic Characteristics |
Seed Production Characteristics |
Maturity |
Early |
Male seed yield |
2.65 t/ha |
Days to 50% anthesis |
60.0 days |
Anthesis-silking interval |
1.2 days |
Comments |
Plant height |
234.3 cm |
Product information is based on data from CIMMYT southern Africa 2016 regional trial (EHYB16). Actual performance will vary depending on a number of agronomic and environmental factors.
GLS = Grey Leaf Spot
HD = high density (80,000 plants per ha)
low N = low soil nitrogen
low P = low soil phosphorus
low pH = low soil pH (acidic soil)
masl = meters above sea level
ME-A = Maize mega-environment A (wet upper mid-altitudes)
ME-B = Maize mega-environment B (wet lower mid-altitudes)
ME-C = Maize mega-environment C (dry mid-altitudes)
ME-D = Maize mega-environment D (wet lowlands)
MSV = Maize Streak Virus
NUE = Nitrogen Use Efficient
opt = optimum management conditions
TLB = Turcicum Leaf Blight |
Ear height |
101.1 cm |
Ear position (ratio) |
0.43 |
Lodging |
0.7% |
Further Links |
1. Full Announcement & trial data summary |
2. Maize Mega-Environments (map) |